

Youtube Ideas July 9, 2024

Hey! Are you trying to take the next big step but not sure where to start?
Take this as a sign! And just in case that step is to start a YouTube channel, you have landed on the exact place. I have included 15 best ideas that you can pick for your YouTube channel, along with the know-how of it. But first, how do you create a YouTube channel as a beginner, and do you really need it? Don’t worry, I’ll help you out.


  • Choose a niche.
  • Create your channel.
  • Channel banner
  • Channel description
  • Create content and post
Choose a niche

Before you start doing anything, the first and foremost thing to decide is what exactly your channel will revolve around. There are innumerable topics around the globe, but you have to choose one particular topic on which you can provide the best content and showcase it in a spectacular way. It can be related to your products, services, or business, or it can be your passion, hobbies, or something you are wonderful at.
Advice: One thing you should never forget is that your niche shouldn’t be neither too narrow that it runs out of content ideas nor too broad that to cover everything you lose it all.

  • Create your channel.
  • Open the YouTube app.
  • Click on the “profile” icon.
  • Upload a picture, write your name, fill in other details, and click on “create channel.”.

It is that simple, you see!

Channel Banner:

The channel banner is the first thing that viewers come across. It should be appealing enough so that people explore more. It gives viewers an idea about the channel.

Channel description:

A channel description is another important thing that you should prepare in order to improve the ranking of your channel. It should clear each and every doubt in the minds of the viewers and must be concise.

Create content and post:

Now that you have almost done everything related to the channel, get yourself all equipped with the tools and the content ideas. Create engaging content and posts. Keep a check on all your contents; read what your audience is wanting from you.

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That was all about creating a channel, but your channel will work only when it stands out among the 51 million channels already existing on YouTube. If you are a beginner and still cannot choose one specific niche, I am here with 12 YouTube ideas for beginners.

  • Tutorials
  • Cooking recipes
  • A day in my life
  • Comedy
  • Gaming content
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Home workout
  • Educational Video
  • Dance/music
  • Fashion
  • Product Reviews
  • Travel

Think of a tutorial to make a greeting card; which platform would you search for?
Most likely, it will be YouTube. Masses of viewers reach out to this platform whenever they are looking for a tutorial. Make sure your video is concise and easy to understand. You can make art and craft tutorials, DIYs, gardening tutorials, etc.

Cooking Recipes:

If you are well versed in the kitchen, grab your kitchen supplies in one hand and a camera in the other—not literally, but you know what I mean, right? You know the best part of this idea is that it’s never going out of style. You can always try making something new and showcase the delicacies anyone would drool for!

A day in my life:

This is the simplest of all YouTube ideas for beginners and is famous among 18–25 age groups. Nowadays, viewers enjoy having a glimpse into the lives of people they follow. You simply need to document your day in an appealing and interesting way. You can show your college, daily life, or job routine in it (grocery, day-out, etc.).


One big example in this category would be Ashish Chanchlani. He has earned fame and money by making comedy videos on YouTube. If you think your sense of humor is good, what are you waiting for? Make people laugh! It’s all about the humorous script you write and present in a way that people can’t help but laugh.

Gaming Content:

We all have that one member at home invested in games like Minecraft, GTA, PUBG, etc. If you are that one member, this idea is definitely for you. Make gaming content interesting and win the attention of your viewers.

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Tips and Tricks:

YouTube gains massive traffic through easy tips and tricks videos on various topics, let’s say cooking, cleaning, gardening, beauty, etc. Engage your viewers by bringing some spectacular, effective, and unique tips that they can apply in their day-to-day lives.

Home work-out:

There are many people who skip going to the gym. Reasons may be time management, introversion, financial issues, awkwardness, etc. Hence, creating home workout videos for such people would be very helpful. Fitness is the new fun; make content with exercises that are fun to do and don’t feel like a duty.

Educational video:

Well, a huge number of viewers spend time on YouTube in their learning process. It includes mostly students. If your teaching skills are good, help out other students who are bound in the shackles of poverty or, for any other reason, cannot access education.


You don’t have to be professional for this. If you are interested and have that passion, get on the platform, show your moves, and post your videos. It can be a source of learning as well as entertainment for people. Even if you play any musical instrument, you can post it, and it can serve as a soothing experience or depend on your genre.


Fashion is ever-evolving. You will never run out of content topics; the only condition is that you are creative enough! Everyone wants to be best dressed, with makeup and hair on point, flattering footwear, etc. Now you can be that fashion icon for such people.

Product Review:

Online shopping loses its tangibility; therefore, a lot of people search for product reviews on YouTube. Even in offline shopping cases, people want to see reviews to get an idea of how the product performs, its functions, durability, etc., but it’s more prevalent in online mode. You can purchase products and share reviews, or you can either collaborate with the brands to do so.


My dream is to travel the world, taste different cuisines, live in diverse cultures, and blend into the lives of people around the globe. I am sure I am not the only one. You can simply document your journey of travelling to places in an entertaining and effective way. Viewers who are interested in travelling or simply watching different parts of the world will be your target audience.


Think of a tutorial to make a greeting card; which platform would you search for?
Most likely, it will be YouTube. Masses of viewers reach out to this platform whenever they are looking for a tutorial. Make sure your video is concise and easy to understand. You can make art and craft tutorials, DIYs, gardening tutorials, etc.

Cooking Recipes:

If you are well versed in the kitchen, grab your kitchen supplies in one hand and a camera in the other—not literally, but you know what I mean, right? You know the best part of this idea is that it’s never going out of style. You can always try making something new and showcase the delicacies anyone would drool for!

A day in my life:

This is the simplest of all YouTube ideas for beginners and is famous among 18–25 age groups. Nowadays, viewers enjoy having a glimpse into the lives of people they follow. You simply need to document your day in an appealing and interesting way. You can show your college, daily life, or job routine in it (grocery, day-out, etc.).


  • Avoid giving a long, monotonous introduction before the main content; keep the video designed according to exactly what the viewers have come for.
  • You can collaborate with other creators to gain more views and eventually grow.
  • Take advantage of the analytics to understand if your videos are effective or not.
  • Do not create misleading content; the audience is way smarter than you can ever imagine.
  • Try reading about your competitors and finding that one thing that gives you an edge over the others.
Now that you know all the YouTube ideas for beginners, go create your channel and shine. And Wait! Come back and share your journey in the comments; I would love to read it.

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Rhythm Gumber


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